Dispatcher Files

I received a call from a TrackBox member who was a resident at one of the retirement homes we work with. She was unable to talk properly and sounded confused. The only information I was able to get from her over the phone was that she didn’t feel well and needed help. 

I firstly sent a message to Netcare 911 requesting assistance at the member’s place of residence. I then called the Frail Care centre in the village where the lady stayed and the nurse said the lady was not currently at her residence but had gone on holiday to Cape Town. I asked if they had any contact details for her family as her profile contained very little information. Unfortunately the nurse did not have any further information so we used the LBS (Location-based service) to obtain her general location and found that she was in the Free State. 

I called her phone again and this time her carer answered and was able to give me an exact location as well as a contact number for a family member. I sent the updated location to Netcare and called the family member who said that she was on her way back to the house and asked us to stand down the ambulance as the member was suffering from MND (motor neuron disease) and dementia. I requested Netcare to stand down and followed up with the family member a while later, who confirmed that the situation was under control and the lady was fine.

This case reminded me how important it is that members’ profile information is kept up to date and fully completed as this can save a lot of time in getting life-saving assistance to someone when they need it.

Michelle (SA24)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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