Unwell while on duty at school

Dispatcher Files

We recently received a call from a schoolteacher in Pietermaritzburg who was concerned about a colleague of hers who was unwell while on duty at school. She was unable to get support from the local emergency medical contact number and requested our urgent assistance.

We established that the patient was an elderly man who had underlying medical conditions. We contacted the government ambulance services and provided them with the details we had of the patients’ current medical condition, underlying medical factors and the location of the school. The ambulance service arrived on scene within a short period and the patient was transported to a local hospital for further attention. I was very pleased that we were able to assist with getting the required services on scene.

Dispatcher : SA21 Mduduzi 
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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.