Vehicle using false plates we had been looking for

We received an activation on the @SNIPR cameras for a silver Toyota Verso. I immediately recognized the vehicle as one that we had been looking for that had been using false plates. I called a member of the @Pinetown CPF and he sent local security and patrollers in search of the vehicle.

After a while it seemed like we had missed the vehicle again, until it went past another camera, this time the members were already in the area and shortly after the second alert one of the security members located the vehicle and started following it while calling for SAPS assistance. 

I immediately called a member from the K9 unit while my colleague called the Pinetown SAPS for assistance. I liaised between the member following the vehicle, the Pinetown SAPS and the K9 unit to give them an updated location. 

The metro SAPS and K9 vehicles arrived in the area where the vehicle had stopped. Unfortunately the driver of the vehicle fled the scene but the vehicle was seized and a search of the vehicle revealed housebreaking tools inside.

This case is a good example of multiple teams doing their best and working together to achieve a positive result. Well done to all members who participated.

SA24 Michelle Baars
TrackBox ERPC National & International
#TrackBox#SACAN#Teamwork#DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #SNIPR