Victim of a Money Scam

Dispatcher Files

One of our AAA Response (TrackBox) members recently informed us that he had almost become the victim of a money scam.

He belonged to a large organisation which had recently signed up a new member. Within a week of signing up, the new “member” informed him that his sister had accidentally deposited a large sum of money into the organisation’s account in error and he would like them to return the money after they deducted his monthly fees. Upon investigation it was discovered that the suspect had made payment by means of a fraudulent cheque book which belonged to a deceased elderly man.

Fortunately the amount was not refunded as the scam was discovered in time. The bank concerned, as well as the police, were informed, and follow-up action taken against the scamster.

  • Generally, cheque fraud looks like a legitimate business transaction. The perpetrator will approach the targeted business entity with an urgent order for goods or services and a promise for immediate payment. The promise is often supported by proof of cash deposit or electronic payment. However, the payment is made with a bogus or fraudulent cheque. This cheque is not honoured by the bank and leaves the business or customer out of pocket.
    Anyone who receives payment must verify that the payment was made in cash and if it is a cheque payment wait until the cheque clears before releasing the goods.*

People convicted of fraud can — depending on the severity of the crime and its implications — get a minimum of 15 years imprisonment in South Africa.


ERPC Dispatcher:
Keegan (SV10)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |
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