2020 New Year’s Message From Brian Jones

TrackBox Technologies NPO/SA CAN

I have learned that when there is no way out, look inwards and to each other!

2019 was a year full of challenges and I believe the year ahead will be our best yet, with 20/20 tunnel-vision clarity, teamwork, heart, love, care, compassion and empathy in our life-saving emergency service work.

In our ERPC Collaboration Network we will continue to increase our arrest and conviction rates, serving our country with pride and showing our teamwork results that speak for themselves. Our country is alive with change, hope and prosperity, and of course, more challenges.

This year we saw a 70% reduction in our KZN farm murder rate which is 20% more than the goal we set for ourselves.

IMICS (Incident Management & Information Capturing System) recorded over 49,000 national crime cases.


At the launch I said, “Project Mustard Seed will be the next chapter in the national War Room and Operational Command Centre’s book of successes… faith in each other and our partnerships will drive victory.”  How true this statement has proved to be…

SA CAN launched Project Mustard Seed in March 2016. The 6-month project was created on behalf of SA CAN’s members and was aimed at assisting the SAPS, the Hawks and Crime Intelligence with the apprehension of South Africa’s most violent criminals. Due to the remarkable success of this project which was repeatedly extended for 6-month periods at a time, it was decided to keep it as a permanent, ongoing project.

At SA CAN we value partnerships, community networking, technology, and the most valuable component: the human connection!

Project Mustard Seed is a continuous collaborative effort between TrackBox users, SAPS, Crime Intelligence, the Hawks, Operational Command Centres, War Rooms, K9 Unit, thirty-nine 10111 Centres, SNIPR™, Recoveri Microdot, Together SA CAN NPO and TrackBox Technologies (Pty) Ltd.

We know there is no quick-fix solution to the crime problem South Africa faces, but this project is one of the best community-based solutions currently available.

Project Mustard Seed is now an ongoing project because of the incredible and trusted teamwork and results achieved under the leadership of SAPS, the Hawks and Crime Intelligence. It truly is the core of hope in all we do daily in answering Government’s call for communities to take positive action.

The South African Community Action Network – SA CAN NPO, has proven that we are not short on resources or knowing who to trust when working collectively.

As at the 30th November the following total results were achieved. In my most ambitious personal projection I wanted to make 1000 arrests in my career in serving South Africa. Little did I know how much the journey and following the dream would take us, and I have many more years ahead. Next year the aim is to go from 60+ arrests and convictions a month to 120 as a collective.

• R704,920,854 Value of Goods Recovered
• 382 Hand Weapons Recovered
• 49 Hunting Rifles
• 2 LM-5s
• 1 R1 rifle
• 3 R4 rifles
• 9 R5 rifles
• 27 AK-47s

We also witnessed worldwide, ground-breaking technology and development pushed forward by the need to save lives, even when the odds were stacked against us. We were tested to what I thought was our limit, until a simple request made me reach deeper than we have ever gone before – a reminder that we all still have more to give.

But just when we started to rest, sharing deep connecting smiles of friendship among our partnership group, all believing we had in fact reached the summit of the mountain, from nowhere a ladder appeared and we were given the opportunity to climb to a much higher level and help shape the future of policing for all. This achievement was made possible because of all those who invested time, money and support over the past 16 years, and the pioneering wealth of passion, experience and triumph.

So as the sun sets on the last day of 2019, let’s pause, reflect and shed tears for those whom we have lost… But know this, while there are no winners in a war, we are on the side of good, and are pushing back hard as a country against criminals and corruption.

President Ramaphosa delivered an inspirational year-end message confirming this, and reinforced the need for South Africans to believe in themselves in order for us to persevere through all our difficulties to make the coming year a success. He used the metaphor of steel being forged in fire: it will not be an easy road, but one we must face together… with many mountains to climb and rivers to cross.

I believe strongly in our people, our nation and our global village. I believe in our common cause and have seen the results for myself, and in turn the results for our country. I believe that there is a great future for us because so many organisations bring success and balance to our country.

Let’s take time to invest in each other.

To the leaders, I wish for you the highest energy, 20/20 clarity and our best Rainbow year yet, in which hard political and business agendas will be thrashed out. I trust that you will find the common cause in each other, protect our land and people, and encourage one another in the hope we all share for South Africa.

We are only as strong as our leaders, and a country is led by more than just votes, politics and profits. It is led by those individuals and organisations with integrity, who can bring the most balance, and right now it’s going to take the best of the best to achieve this vision.

Have a magical night ahead and I simply can’t wait for the start of the 2020 vision and achievement year for us all!

Brian Jones (SA7)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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