Ambulance involved in an accident

Dispatcher Files

We recently received an activation from one of our service providers reporting that one of his vehicles, an ambulance, had been involved in an accident while en route to another emergency. The ambulance had rolled, and the driver and his assistant had sustained injuries, and required hospitalisation. 

Fortunately, a Tow Truck service provider who is also a service provider and listed on our proximity dispatching system for Roadside Assistance was on the scene. He was immediately given the go-ahead to recover the vehicle & tow it to the required destination. 

We have since received updates that the driver and his assistant are recovering well. The danger involved for emergency service teams while on duty is serious, and we wish all those concerned a speedy recovery.

Dispatcher : SA21 Mduduzi 
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.