Emergency Response – Heart Attack

In the early hours of a morning some time back we received an emergency activation from a AAA Response member who needed urgent medical assistance. The member believed that her husband may be having a heart attack and she was very agitated and worried for him. After assisting the member to calm down in order to get accurate information, she explained that her husband had woken up and was completely disorientated, bleeding from his mouth, struggling to breath, and complaining of chest pains.

We swiftly dispatched Netcare 911 as well as equipping them with all the critical information we had available. While waiting for the ambulance we remained in contact with the member to check if there was any change in the patient’s condition.

In the meantime, further help had arrived from neighbours and the patient was made comfortable while waiting for the ambulance. The Netcare 911 ambulance arrived on scene within a short period, assessed, and stabilised the patient, and transported him to a local Hospital for further attention. Prompt attention is critical in cases such as this and we are very pleased to be in collaboration with Netcare to ensure priority superior medical attention when members need it most.

Dispatcher: SA37 Michael
TrackBox ERPC National & International
https://trackbox.world | https://t.me/BriansPD

*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.