Dispatcher Files

To me, having the lockdown in our country is good, as many of our fellow South Africans realise that we must try to unite by staying apart for the duration of the lockdown, aiming toward beating the Coronavirus .

Being a AAA Response Dispatcher in the ERPC (Emergency Response and Prevention Centre) Control room, I love what we do every day and am passionate about my job, and we certainly do not want any of our family members to be a part of the numbers that are counted every day as victims of Covid-19.

We know that it could happen to any one of us as the virus does not discriminate – race, social status or age makes no difference. We hope that those who are infected recover well, boosting their immunity and being there for their families and communities. Social distancing is an absolute necessity in this regard.

Please remember the following important points:

  1. Wash your hands regularly 
  2. Stay at home, only going out for necessities such as groceries, medication, etc.
  3. Keep your distance from others
  4. Wear a cloth mask if possible

With the lockdown being extended, and now moving to a stage 4 lockdown from the 1st of May we hope it will lead us in further reducing the impact or the rate at which the virus spreads as scientists work towards a vaccine. The lockdown may have its advantages and disadvantages, but we all need to work hard and persevere through this difficult period.

ERPC Dispatcher: Mdu (SA21)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.