Traffic accident – Motor Vehicle Accidents

First day of shift: Wet weather conditions. Lovely weather for our farmers’ fields to feed the nation however it would be a busy shift for us in the ERPC. We urge all our members and road users to arrive alive and travel safely, please.

A few safety tips from all dispatchers in the ERPC control:

– Slow down and stay within speed limits, as speeding gives you less time to react on wet roads.

– Ensure your tyres are in good condition before making a trip.

– Be aware of what other drivers around you are doing and expect the unexpected.

– Keep a safe travelling distance.

– Please don’t use cellphones or any other electronic devices while driving.

– Ensure that your lights are on while driving in misty or wet conditions.

From all of us at the TrackBox ERPC, travel safe and arrive alive!

Jamie-Leigh Hartshorne (SA13)
TrackBox ERPC National & International